Don't worry I brought my snappy camera...
Great ad images are, most often than not, great because of the overall ideas or message that they illustrate.

Creation of a solid idea that can be portrayed in a visual are very hard to come by. The images in this blog are great samples of core brand messages that are easy to comprehend, and that is what makes them brilliant.

Next time you are thinking about an image for your product or service spend time coming up with a strong message that can me illustrated in a cool or innovative photograph.
Remember that Great Photography is created in the following order from most important to least important:
Core (Brand) Message
Concept to illustrate the message
Location and props
Character or fashion models
Lighting and special effects
Tinkering with the light
Stylists (food or clothing)
Pushing the shutter release

So if you have a photographer who you like to work with it is best to have them help you with the core idea as early on in the proses as possible. Being able to work with a photographer and brief them on a preconceived idea that has been approved by the client is a lot tougher than presenting an idea that the photographer has helped craft.
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